The standard Kit contains four eye-cup goggles with four approximate visual acuity lenses of 20/70 (6/20), 20/200 (6/60), 20/400 (6/120), and a 20/600 (6/180), three approximate peripheral field loss simulations of 3°, 7°, 10°, and other lenses which simulate macular degeneration (for both near and distance viewing), cataract, scotoma, and hemianopsia. Also included are four black occluder lenses.
You can create a total of 11 separate simulations with each of the various pieces in the Kit. You can also combine them (e.g., you can use the 20/600 (6/180) lens in combination with the 10° funnel), to simulate poor central visual acuity and poor peripheral or side vision.
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